wip !!

who are you ?

i am damien and i do art, i have done art for about roughly 6 years now, i also do writing as a hobby

do you do requests ?

sometimes but rarely, if youre desperate for me to draw something then i suggest you just commission me because i rarely actually draw any requests /lh

do you have a personal website ?

yuh and it can be found here

info (read first)

add the prize of the size of the drawing and the type of drawing to get the full price (e.g., 5$ flat color + 2$ full body = 7$ full price)

im better at drawing men, just a quick warning

currency i accept;
robux (1$ = 100 robux)
us dollars


flat color; $5
full render; $8
headshot; $0
bust; $1
full body; $2

archive of old site;

in other words;

not-rewrite= clight, blef, clefbright, brightclef

mattastrophic rewrite (dr. myriad) = myricle, clyr, these ones havent been used but im still putting them down; myriadclef, clefmyriad

djkaktus rewrite (dr. shaw) = clefshaw, shawclef, claw

my rewrite (dr. emrys) = clefrys, emrysclef, clefemrys, emrlef

contact me for more suggestions; my carrd